Liv N' Luv Japan Top 5 Posts!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Hello everyone! Welcome to Liv N' Luv Japan! I know it has been 4 months since that last time I posted an article for you guys. Like I said before, I am busy with school. But, I currently don't have my laptop to be able to work on it like I used too. Sad face!

So, what is a tamagotchi?!

                                                                   (1996 tamagotchi)

A tamagotchi is a virtual pet! You take care of these little creatures from an far far far away planet who needs to be fed, played with, nurtured, etc!! Tamagotchi does have a meaning! The "tamago" part of tamagotchi means "egg" in Japanese. And the "tch" part comes from part of the English word "watch".

Tamagotchi was in stores in 1996. It was a very popular 90s toy and it was popular among boys and girls and everyone of all ages. Tamagotchis are not as popular as they were before but new versions of tamagotchis are still being made. They are made and sold by Bandai.

Now, time for my opinion! I absolutely LOVE tamagotchis!! I used to have a couple of tamagotchis before when I was younger but I also lose them after a while and I don't know why! I currently do have a tamagotchi which is the newest version which is called "Tamagotchi Friends"!

                                                              (Tamagotchi Friends)

It brings back memories having a tamagotchi!! One thing that I am very jealous of is the fact that in Japan they actually have colored LED screen tamagotchis!! And that was always a thought I had years ago, "What if someday there might be a colorful tamagotchi?". I do like the black and grey screen because it's like the originals but, I would love to have a more modern looking tamagotchi. Here is one that really got my attention and it's called "Tamagotchi 4U".

                                                                  (Tamagotchi 4U)

My favorite tamagotchi character would have to be Kuromametchi because he is just cute and adorable and I just love his style!! (^_^)

Well, that's about it I can say about tamagotchis!! I don't to make this article long and borning and me just ranting and geek-ing out about tamagotchis, but I will be posting another article soon hopefully!!

How many tamagotchis have you have had before?!
If you never had a tamagotchi, would you want one?!
Who is your favorite tamagotchi character?!

BYE! MATA NE!! (^_^)

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